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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 11:29:35 英语听力



  A You are welcome B Thank you very much C Thank you all the same.

  先回忆一下.A选项表示不用谢,所以听力内容大概为Thanks/Thank you (for)/Its kind of you to. 而B表示谢谢可以回答here you are / Can I help you等,C 仍然表示谢谢你,用于你询问别人,别人不知道的时候的回答。本题的听力内容为:Im sorry,Idont know the way to the station,Im new here. 故而答案应为C。


  A What a good idea. B With pleasure. C My pleasure.

  我们来分析一下,在日常交际用语中A应该用于回答表示建议的句子。如 Lets/ Shall we / What about/ Why not B表示乐意效劳,常用于别人向你寻求帮助(Can you help me?)时的回答;而C表示不用谢,用于别人向你感谢时的回答。

  而听力内容为:Shall we go to the theatre next Sunday? 故而答案应为A。



  A It was sunny. B It was Tuesday. C It was January 22,2006.

  我们来分析一下,A选项的问题应是What was the weather like?/ How is the weather? 时态应为过去时;B选项的问题应为What day was it ? 时态应为过去时; C选项的问题应为What was the date? 时态应为过去时。而听力内容为 What day was it yesterday? 故而答案应为B。


  A Yes, there is. B Yes, there was. C Yes, there were.

  根据这些内容选项A的问题应为 Is there? B的问题应为Was there..? C的问题应为Were there ? 而听力内容为: Was there a dinosaur show in the Science Museum? 故而答案应为B。


  A She is a nurse. B She is a worker. C She is a teacher.

  我们可以从以上选项中看出,对话中谈论的主题应与she 的职业有关,这是我们在听力过程中应特别注意。

  听力内容为:M: What does your father do ,Lily?

  W: He teaches English just as my mother does.

  Q: What does Lilys mother do?



  ( )⒗ Where did the young boys ball fall?

  A. In the river. B. Into the net. C. Inside the house. D. In the street.

  ( )⒘ Why did the boy come back?

  A. Because he wanted to get back his ball.

  B. Because he wanted to say sorry to the lady.

  C. Because he wanted to see the lady.

  D. Because his father asked him to come.

  ( )⒙ W英语听力