
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 16:18:46
关于家和万事兴的对联和名言 如何让家和万事兴RT 求证:(tana*sina)/(tana-sina)=(tana+sina)/(tana*sina) 椭圆中2c 2a 等于多少 平面上到两定点F1F2(/F1F2/=2C)的距离之和为定值2a的动点的轨迹C,当2a>2c,2a=2c,2a 若P是一个定椭圆(长轴长、短轴长、焦距长分别为2a、2b、2c,焦点为F1、F2)上的一点,若|PF1||PF2|的最大值是16,最小值是7,那么a、b分别等于几?为什么? 椭圆的实轴是2a还是2c? 求证tan3A-tan2A-tanA=tan3A*tan2A*tanAtan3A-sin2A/cos2A-sinA/cosA=tan3A-(sin3A/cos2AcosA) 中的sin3A/cos2AcosA不太明白 讲细点 谢谢 求证tan3A-tan2A-tanA=tan3Atan2Atan1A 求证:tan3A-tan2A-tanA=tanA*tan2A*tan3A 谁可以帮我想个有深刻含义的班名(要说为啥用它)和班训 班级口号,班级公约我是初一7班的 大家行行好帮个忙 好的把分都给他 大家最好在明天中午也就是9月27日1点30前发的我所有的分都 求证:tan3a-tan2a-tana=tan3a-tanatan2a tanatan2atan3a=tan3a-tan2a-tana苏教版高中必修四数学103页有原题只用 两角和与差余弦 正弦 正切公式 我在初一三班,请大家帮忙给我的班级取一个响亮,有特色,有意义的名字. 给班级里种的树起一个有意义的名字,还要说明意义 方程x^2/3-y^2/ sin(2a+π/4)=1表示椭圆,则a的取值范围是. 急求方程x^2/3-y^2/ sin(2a+π/4)=1表示椭圆,则a的取值范围是.刚学,求答! 英语翻译鄂国公之忠至矣.观其辞金器之言曰.秦王赐再生之恩.唯当杀身以报.于殿下无功.不敢当重赐.若怀二心.徇利忘忠.殿下亦何所用之.此书情词悱恻.忠言宛转.可谓万古千秋法. 英语翻译下周我要练习讲课,就是下面这段,还请大家看看都有哪些知识点.Let us take the orthodox definition of the word bargain.it is something offered at a low and advantageous price.It is opportunty to buy something at a low 新饰界这个名字,我想用英文名字 请问Guldan这个英文名的含义,别给我按音翻译或告诉某个人物是这个名字,注意:我要的是含义! 已知tana+cota=2,求下列各式的值(1)tan2a+cot2a(2)sina+cosa alicia这个名字是什么意思?Licia 可以做英文名字吗? 已知tana=2分之1,求tan2a,cot2a 若方程x^2/2a+y^2/a^2=1表示焦点在y轴上的椭圆,则实数a的取值范围是 若函数f(x)=loga(x²-ax+5)(a>且a≠1)满足对任意的x1,x2,当x1 若函数f(x)=loga(x2-ax+3)(a>0且a≠1),满足对任意的x1,x2,当x1 英语翻译This installation disc isn’t compatible with your version of Windows.To upgrade,you need the correct installation disc.For more information,check your computer’s system information.To install a new copy of Windows,restart (boot) your 请问括号里填什么 英语翻译How shall we choose our books?Which are the best,the eternal,indispensable books?To all to whom reading is something more than a refined idleness these questions recur,bringing with them the sense of bewilderment; and a still,small voice A scientist who does research in economic psychology and who wants to predict the way in which consumers will spend their money must study consumer behavior.He must obtain data both on the resources of consumers and on the motives that tend to encour 英语翻译The facility here in the southwestern port city of Yeosu,455 kilometers from Seoul,is the first of three to be built in the country under the so-called Oil-Hub Korea project.The Yeosu facility currently has 36 tanks that can store up to 8