
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 06:24:00
Forests作文 1.Are forests important people and animals Why 若g(x),f(x)互为反函数,则g(f(x))=x.如何证明啊? 请教一下,我一直不理解SAP里说的数据一致性什么意思?能详细解释吗?超级感谢!感谢回复! Sap (1)Sap Enhancement Packages (2)Net Weaver (3)SOA架构(4)Profit center Accounting 它属于成本会计还是财务会计?和它的意思,是干嘛的.(5)cost center (6)最好哪位大侠给我提供点资料,我将要考SAP初级认证.因为英 划去每组不属于心情的词(1)敬佩(1)敬佩 感激 羞愧 矜持(2)难堪 赫然 恼火 急迫(3)兴奋 高兴 紧张 遐想(4)矛盾 害怕 犹豫 申斥科学精神的名言警句! The fruits and leaves are food_____ the insect and animals.A.on B.with C.at D.for 根据英文释义写单词 函数的复合.f={,},“.”是函数的复合,则f.f是什么? lie in的过去式是lay in还是lied in 我觉得是lay in但书上是lied in请问怎么回事 离散数学:函数f:R---R,f(x)=2x,则f是双射函数吗(R为实数 英语翻译请问有哪个人可以帮我翻译出!1 Who___Sally____(visit)the day after tomorrow 用所给动词的正确形式填空~拜托了~~~ 用所给动词的正确形式填空:1The children (visit)the farm tomorrow afternoon,are not they?请顺便说一说原因 had better do等于什么 lie in 意思:来源于 用法? 英语翻译全句是:but if the person is a relative,then you tolerate it out of a sense of duty,obligation ,or your personal concept of family. hold on to的英文意思 Lions eats meat and small animals改错 The lions eat 40kilos meat.(对40kilos划线提问) 为什么此处要加 lie inThe date indicates that the difference between developing and industrialised countrie how to invest in education and science .(有人当我改错在how前加了lie in为什么这样改?可不可以不加?) cindy in class 3c (be)用所给动词的过去式填空 “You are getting much taller.I can hardly recognize you,aren't you?”的翻译谢谢了, 关于语言学纲要的几道判断题求助1、思维离不开语言,语言也离不开思维.2、抽象的语言是不存在的,都以个体语言的形式存在着.3、绘画和音乐都能表达人的思想感情,是代表语言的符号.PS:1 You would hardly recognize him after his illness baby i cant't live without you And I could hardly recognize you my as my friend.I could,however,recognize you as a criminal求翻译 Alice can hardly recognize Bob.🐭求翻译 无穷级数求和.为什么设x=1/3和x=根号1/3答案不同 帮忙来看一下这个无穷级数怎样求和Sn=1+1/3+1/5+.+1/(2n-1)n趋于无穷大,求Sn怎样证明它是不是收敛的呢,如果收敛值是多少? 无穷级数的求和问题无穷级数的求和函数∑(=1,∞)n*x^(n+1), 如题,碰到级数求和就傻,怎么也不会.400题和真题关于级数的题都看了,可自己做就是做不出来,特别是逐项求导和逐项积分的方法怎么用?最好能详细点. 无穷级数求和问题通项为n^(-4),从n=1加到无穷大,