
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 12:56:59
已知直线l过点(-2,3).且原点到直线l的距离是2,求直线l的方程 猴子爬上樱桃树------粗人吃细粮.在12升`````肖里面是什么动物? Where’s Beijing?-It’s on_______.A.Zhejiang B.Hubei C.Hunan D.Hebei求分析。 I"m go to eat ,see you!英语不好 英语翻译 Jim is going to meet his aunt at the s___tomorrow afternoon.首字母填空 数万星星上的玫瑰花,RT 大家觉得叶芝的当你老了这首诗谁的翻译最好 If someone really wants to see you,he will try everything possible and go through the world to get you. If someone really wants to see you,he will try everything possible and go through the world to get you.请大家帮我翻译一下 关于《当你老了》叶芝,你觉得谁翻译的最好?为什么一定要填为什么 He is a good student and he wants to go to Tsinghua U_______ in the futrue. 为什么现在人们都不用文言文了?文言文其实很好啊`一个字代表几个字`有趣省事 不像现在的人一句话说那么多废话出来!是`谁改变的? 杜甫的蜀相中有一句是“三顾频频天下计”还是“三顾频烦天下计” 求准确答案 今天没有什么重要的事 文言文 Has disappeared like the original that you! The uniform that had hardly changed since day one has now disappeared这话 什么意思?这里的hardly和day one是什么意思? 请问凤毛麟角是什么动物? I am grateful for the all that my husband has done for the family. 英语翻译has all but怎么理解啊? 帮忙看一下这篇材料作文怎么写?帮忙写篇800字左右的作文 今晚之内要!桥面已经不止一次听到桥墩的抱怨了.“出头露面,风光无限,那是站在他人的肩膀上:飞南走北,连接两岸,那是建立在别 鹏程万里、凤毛麟角属于描写动物的词语吗? hard working与 working hard与hard work选择题success comes from ( )A.hard working B.working hard C.hard work给个原因谢谢了. somebody wants to see you,Jim.want为什么加s ,see为什么用原形 Five out of twenty of the students have passed the flight test. I'll be ahead of you翻译成中文 The Differences between Chinese and Americans·About money Americans tike to spend more than they have,so many of them are always in debt (欠债).But Chinese usually spend less than they have,so many of them always have money left in the bank.The Am the doctor was starting his morning work one day. one day morning,liu ming was doing his homework.his granny was going to do some s-----.she suddenly f----- to the g----- when she was walking p----- him.liuming saw his granny l--- on the ground.w----- a word,he telephoned the h----- at once.a few mi ‘各领风骚数百年’前一句是什么?要有作者及朝代., 各领风骚数百年 前一句是什么啊谁写的啊 世界上都有哪些奇花呢?如题