
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 16:43:41
懂道德经的回一个,道德经,有既是无,无即是有,色既是空,空既是色,懂就是不懂,不懂就是懂,回答就是离开,离开等于回答.道德经,有就是有,无就是无,色就是色,空就是空,懂就是懂,不懂就是不懂 氯气与磷反应生成什么样的雾什么烟 有哪些反应 be born 是什么语法为什么不说I born in the USA.而说 I was born in the USA. be born + ?be born in + 地点/?be born on + ? be born,1978造句 英语 payment before delivery英文解释不超过20字的英文翻译 废电池的危害性? 依赖的危害性是什么约一百个字 吸烟的危害性 把一个高4分米底面半径2分米的圆柱切开拼成与它等底等高的近似长方体,这近似长方体和圆柱的表面积相差多要列式,最好能说怎么想 一道数学椭圆题椭圆x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1的两焦点为F1、F2,长轴两端点为A1、A2若椭圆上存在一点Q,使角A1QA2=120度,求椭圆离心率e的取值范围 设F1、F2分别为椭圆C:x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1的左、右两个焦点 ⑴若椭圆C上的点A(1,3/2)到F1、F2两个焦点的距离之和等于4,求椭圆C的方程和焦点坐标.⑵设点K为⑴中所得椭圆上的动点,求线段F1K的中点的轨 我不明白反身代词以下是几个句子 我不但不明白反身代词 请教英语好的人 1.let us enjoy ourselves.2.help yourself to some beer.3,the girls were so excited that they were not themselves.4,these little things are not important 一道数学椭圆题,请问,已知椭圆C:(x2/a2)+(y2/b2)=1(a>b>0),其中c2=a2-b2,c/a=(根号3)/3,过右焦点F的直线l与C相交于A,B两点,当l斜率为1时,坐标原点O到l的距离为(根号2)/2 (1)求a,b的值(2 用shopping这个话题连一个英语小短文,大概读出来1分多钟左右,或者帮我提供几句也行 数学题:某班有若干名学生,新年每人都互送贺卡一张已知全班共送贺卡2256张,则这班共有__名学生 洋朋和他的5个好朋友,春节期间,他们互送一张贺卡,那他们一共送出了多少张卡? 已知tanα=-1/3,求下列各式值(1) 3cosα+5sinα-------------sinα-cosα(2) 2 2sin α+2sinα.cosα-3cos α(1)3cosα+5sinα / sinα-cosα(2)sin^2 α+2sinα.cosα-3cos^2 α 跳蚤为什么能跳那么高 把一个圆柱形的底面平均分成相等的诺干个小扇形,然后切开平成一个近似的长方体,拼成的长方体表面积比原增加了400平方厘米,已知圆柱的高是20厘米.求圆柱的体积 we will f____the shopping mall 有些家务我讨厌但有些家务我喜欢.I hate _______ _______,but I like ______ ______ I hate winter,but I like ___a lotI hate winter,but I like a___ a lot(补充单词) I like you but hate you,hate you had told me that all the. well I hate some chores too,but I like other chores. 已知a是整数,且a比0大,比10小.请你设法找出a的一些数值,使关于x的方程1-0.5ax=-5的解是偶数 六(1)班有学生45人,女生比男生多1/4,女生有多少人?要列算式解答 There is a lot of beautiful a____ in the film and I like it是act 还是 action The b___there are beautiful .Ialso like go swimming with you --------there are so many shopping mall in Beijing!I really enjoy playing fottball with you in the playground and v___young friendsMy friend really like their p___.My siter l___her shoes ve isn't she ( ) you todayAwith Bfor C of Don 是Today she isn't here还是Today she doesn't here? she isn't _____here today A./ B .at C.on D.of